Application Lifecyle

Amizhth offers you the best experts to support and maintain your application.

Application Maintenance Services

According to an IT survey, a typical large enterprise today spends up to 80% of their IT budget on maintenance and support of their existing systems. This leaves only 20% of the budget for new innovations and strategic projects.
The 80-20 trap prevents IT companies to meet the needs of demanding business users. CIOs are thus forced to choose between essential new efforts in analytics, cloud, mobile or social and delivering high quality IT services at a low cost.
Amizhth provides application maintenance services for CIOs to help them build new generation IT organizations. Hiring our AMS is one way to ensure your maintenance cost does not eat into your development budget. Our solutions ensure reduced cost, minimized risk and improved ROI from their IT applications. Amizhth provide high-end Application Maintenance Services such as application support, user support, operations support and end-user support.

Application Maintenance Services


Reducing support and development cost. Transition of application maintenance and support allows your IT-department to focus on your business stratergy goal.

Quality Assurance

Providing fail-safe applications availability. Reducing downtime due to applications outage. Continuous applications development according to business needs.


We use a complex service approach according to the ITIL model. There is no need in hiring, training, motivation of engineers.

OS and Server Migration

A significant risk since the technology can oversee unseen, yet fundamental OS and application-specific settings, files, and info. This mistake possibly can make vital data inaccessible in the future.

3rd Party Maintenance

Offerings that are vital in a hybrid support model—which involves using a blend of OEM support, third-party maintenance, and frugal strategies where each is suitable and fitting to the purpose.

Bug and task tracking

When it comes to developing and issuing software updates, both development and testing go hand in hand. To put that in project management terms, both tasks and bugs go hand in hand.

Corrective Maintenace

Identify and remove defects. Correct actual errors.

Perfective Maintenace

Improve performance, dependability, maintainability. Add new functionality.


Adaptive Maintenance

Adapt to a new/upgraded environment (e.g., hardware, operating system, middleware).

Application Maintenance

Application maintenance services take portfolio- based tactic to technology,information planning,public and services by considering your business, methods and application.

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